
RSSGuardisafreeandopen-sourcenewsaggregatorforwebfeedsandpodcasts.ItiswritteninC++andusesQt,whichallowsittofitwiththelookand ...,RSSGuardisasimpleRSS/ATOMfeedreaderforWindows,Linux,BSD,OS/2ormacOSwhichcanworkwithRSS/ATOM/JSON/Sitemapfeedsaswellasmanyonlinefeed ...,FullversionsofRSSGuard(withQtWebEngine)includelibmpv-basedmediaplayerwhichcanplaybasicallyeverythinkableaudio/videocontent.Windowsb...

RSS Guard

RSS Guard is a free and open-source news aggregator for web feeds and podcasts. It is written in C++ and uses Qt, which allows it to fit with the look and ...


RSS Guard is a simple RSS/ATOM feed reader for Windows, Linux, BSD, OS/2 or macOS which can work with RSS/ATOM/JSON/Sitemap feeds as well as many online feed ...

Releases · martinrotterrssguard

Full versions of RSS Guard (with QtWebEngine) include libmpv-based media player which can play basically every thinkable audio/video content. Windows build of ...

RSS Guard官方版_3DM软件

RSS Guard 是一个开源的跨平台多协议桌面提要阅读器。它能够获取RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON 格式的提要。RSS Guard 是在Qt 库之上开发的。软件功能强大界面简洁,欢迎需要的 ...

RSS Guard 4.6.3 多國語言免安裝

RSS Guard 是一款簡單易用的RSS feed閱讀器,讓你從訂閱的新聞源獲取最新的消息,你還可以定制新聞源的分類。當RSS有更新時,軟件會立即通知你。RSS Guard支持以下 ...


[下載] RSS Guard. 官方載點. 檔案下載→ [按此由官方網頁下載] 相關連結→ [軟體說明]. 本站下載. 下載連結(64位元)→ [免安裝版] [舊版下載]. 最受歡迎免費軟體 第01 ...

RSS Guard 4.6.3 免安裝中文版

簡單實用的RSS Reader - RSS Guard,支援所有格式的RSS、OPML的匯入匯出,可針對不同的RSS設定不同的自動更新頻率,支援中文搜尋功能、目錄分類、資源回收筒、鍵盤快速 ...

RSS Guard Download Free

2023年12月15日 — RSS Guard is an open-source cross-platform multi-protocol desktop feed reader. It is able to fetch feeds in RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON formats.

QuiteRSS 0.19.4 取代 feedly 的 RSS 閱讀器

QuiteRSS 0.19.4 取代 feedly 的 RSS 閱讀器
